Determining the cost of repairing industrial equipment


Every company with industrial equipment in its estate prepares for emergencies and reserves funds for unplanned repairs at the beginning of each financial year. However, there are other circumstances that may require such expenditure. These may include planned repairs, the sale or rental of equipment, the reorganisation of company assets or the use of equipment as loan collateral. In such cases, quality repairs significantly improve the condition of the equipment, increasing its value and compensating for current wear and tear.

Professional repair of industrial equipment also differs in method and approach. Industrial equipment manufacturers rely on modular repairs that involve the replacement of entire units, which is always associated with high costs and long downtime in the customer's business. In addition, replacing a unit does not always solve the problem of restoring the full performance of the equipment: the cause of failure may lie elsewhere. Repairing industrial electronics at component level is always more cost-effective, involving a systematic approach with local replacement of damaged areas and assessment of the overall condition of the equipment. This type of repair also saves up to 75% of the cost of a new piece of equipment and reduces downtime to 2-15 days, as is the case with our company.